Vermilion, sometimes spelled vermillion, when found naturally occurring, is an opaque orangish red pigment , used since antiquity, originally derived from the powdered mineral cinnabar . Chemically, the pigment is mercuric sulfide , HgS, and like all mercury compounds it is toxic . This bike ' Cinnbar' is not toxic, it's a rocket. I worked with Dan, the new owner, on this creation. When he first saw the frame this color he was sold. Dan imagined the all bike details in his mind and I used that vision to create this fixed gear. 1Off took care of the powder coating and with a custom Brazen Cycleworks wheelset the bike was born. If you have a vision and want my help to make it a reality, hit me on email. I do one project at a time, but that project could be yours.
Showing posts from June, 2009